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Main - Suggestion Box

Blitzing Disguise

By Ares
5/18/2017 3:19 pm
With QBs now given tools to successfully diagnose and "beat" blitzes, defenders should also be given the ability to potentially 'disguise' their blitz, based off their pass rush ability. The higher their pass rush, the better able that player will hide whether or not they're blitzing. On the flip side, a player with poor pass rush should be easier for a QB (or Center) to spot. Even if a QB doesn't go to a hot read, if they successfully call one (or more) blitzers and assign protection, it should give a boost to their ability to block that player. If a blitzer is not identified it should be harder for the protection to adjust for them (with a combo of pass block, intelligence, and a dash of acceleration allowing them to adjust correctly). And naturally as a team uses the same play more frequently, it becomes more predictable and easier for the QB to call the blitzers.

This should also be coupled with Pernbronze's suggestion:

When blitzing, players with low pass rush should have a high chance of getting 'slowed' or bumped when squeezing through tight gaps.

This would have the affect of making pass rush a much more valuable skill for blitzers, and provides a somewhat more organic response than the current 'play overuse' malus.

Re: Blitzing Disguise

By Brrexkl
5/18/2017 5:50 pm
Would be great if DBs could 'creep up' and 'drop back' as well.

Safeties have a horrible time on Blitzes because they start 15 Yards back. Of course a Smart QB with FOV would see them 'creep up' and have a better chance to Hot Read.

But nothing stops a S from 'showing blitz' then 'bailing' either.

I think this addition would be excellent, and should some how be tied into Intelligence on both Show and Recognition.