Nicko wrote:
Booger926 wrote:
Yes, I do find it interesting that the delay (let's call it what it really was) against the 7 countries were originally named by Obama but it's all Trump's fault.
In my opinion, the Obama administration NEVER had America's best interests in heart while Trump does
So you don't like the "Muslim ban" because it was Obama's idea? Or you like the ban, but don't like Obama because he wasn't looking out for your best interests.... but in this case you feel Obama was looking out for your best interest by creating a travel ban that you support? I'm confused by your point here.
What he is saying is that Trump is being attacked for this Travel deal.
But he's being attacked by Obama/Hillary Supporters who were the ones who actually initiated the deal.
It's hypocritical. Had Obama/Hillary finished this idea... would these same people be attacking them?
Because it's Trump, he's being hit on this. The exact people hitting him wouldn't have even have swung at Obama/Hillary for finishing this. That's the point.
Sort of like Hillary saying "If I won and you didn't concede, that would be an assault on Democracy" and then her supporters cheering that. Then Trump Won, and while Hillary DID concede, her Supporters were #NotMyPresident and rioting in the streets... conducting an, from Hillary's own words, 'assault on Democracy'.
These things don't go unnoticed.
Sort of like Trump Supporters being called loud and violent. How many Rallies of other Candidates did Trump Supporters go to and cause issues? None. You can't show me a single one. But Non-Trump Supporters ROUTINELY went to Trump Rallies and caused issues there.
Yet it was Trump Supporters being called all sorts of things and talked down about... while it was the Supporters of other Candidates doing all the disrupting, doing the exact things they claimed the Trump Supporters were doing.
It's so hypocritical. And somehow they think Americans are to stupid to notice.
Like when Hillary talks about how Trump treats Women... but she's married to Bill Clinton. Alleged Rapist and Cheater. Now, I LOVE Bill as a President... he did a **** of a job. But how stupid do you look to call out Donald on his 'Character' when you married Bill? I mean Bill and Donald were FRIENDS, Donald was at their freaking WEDDING... Bill and Donald have likely sat at the same bar at the same Golf Course talking about which girls there might like their kitty grabbed.
You can't call out a Womanizer when you are MARRIED to a Womanizer, and think that some how wins you points. And the People saw through that weak ****.